
@bbcthree and BBC England are to champion local production c…

@bbcthree and BBC England are to champion local production c...

@bbcthree and BBC England are to champion local production companies in the North of England who want to tell unique and regional stories that can appeal to the whole of the UK.

The Northern Voices scheme will focus on working with new local talent to explore what it means to be young and British in England today.

They are seeking documentary ideas from independent production companies based in the North of England that reflect the life experiences of 16-24 year-olds in the region and include new young talent (on and off screen). After a selection process, BBC Three and BBC England will commission one company to produce a one-off documentary of around 30 minutes.

Initial submissions for this opportunity will be accepted from May 4 to June 5 2020. Link is in our bio for more details.

#opportunity #film #northernfilm #filmproduction #commission #northernvoices #documentary #newideas #career #startup #creativity #letscreate #lakeanddales

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