PlayWorkInspire – Free Business Event
We are hosting a free business spa day for local businesses and freelancers this summer as part of our ACE funded Nurturing Creativity project. With lots of practical business development and profiling skills to take away, the day will be fun, full of creative activity, and feature workshops and live sessions.
There will be lots of practical skills to take away. These include, a photography session with Juliet Klottrup, photographer and documentary maker and a session with former BBC Head of Regions and Nations, Leo Devine. Read more and get the link to sign up here.
On the day we’ll be looking at our business personas, what we love about our work and what our clients or customers love about us and the stories we tell about our businesses. Juliet will be capturing photos so you have some professional images for your brand story and Leo will give us an insight into creating great films to tell our stories on websites, social media or through broadcast news. His session will also look at how to shoot professional films using your smart phone.
There’s the opportunity to meet with likeminded people, make new contacts and have a great time. You’ll barely notice the businessy bits (but they’ll stick with you!).
Taking place on Thursday 28th July at Skipton Town Hall and led and delivered by GPLD’s business relations consultants Innovate Educate Ltd, PlayWorkInspire will help extend The Artery, peer2peer network and will continue our work into supporting creative careers. Read more and register here
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