
Craven Museum have been thinking about objects and stories t…

Craven Museum have been thinking about objects and stories t...

Craven Museum have been thinking about objects and stories that represent our current lives and what could be collected to tell this story to future generations. The many changes to our everyday life and personal circumstances mean that a lot of us are having very different experiences.

Craven Museum is hoping to collect records and objects relating to first-hand experiences to reflect the lives of people living in Craven during the COVID-19 pandemic. They want collect and store this material as a record of the pandemic and as a resource for future research, exhibition or display.

In terms of objects you might want to donate, or experiences you might want to share, these could be to do with:

· Social distancing
· Working from home
· Keeping your business going
· Being a key-worker
· Shielding or self-isolating
· Volunteering
· New activities you’ve tried at home
· Home-schooling/ Going to school / teaching
· Photographs that reflect your experiences
· Artwork you have created
· Changes to how you deliver your art practice

Craven Museum is currently closed so can’t physically accept any donations at the moment. However, if you would like to let them know what you’re hoping to donate, or tell them about your time during lockdown and what life has been like for you, please get in touch: #LiveMoreDoMore #museums #partofhistory #yorkshiredales

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