
Help @timberfestival create the first ever forest soundmap o…

Help @timberfestival create the first ever forest soundmap o...

Help @timberfestival create the first ever forest soundmap of the world! Following the postponement of Timber 2020, the festival organisers are inviting people from across the globe to contribute to a different kind of gathering with the launch of Sounds of the Forest, an exciting new mass participation audio project.
Thanks to the support of @aceagrams, Timber can continue to connect people with trees this year by collecting the sounds of woodlands and forests from all around the world to create a beautiful soundmap bringing together aural tones and textures from the world’s woodlands. They are inviting people to visit their local forest or woodland and record one minute of the sounds they hear. Full details of how to send in sounds, including technical advice for how to get the best quality recording from a phone, are available via @timberfestival ⭐️ It would be great to have sounds from the Lakes and Dales featured in this! 🍃

#SoundsOfTheForest #sounds #festival #letscreate #lakesanddales #forests #audio #artists #woodland #recordings #nature

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