
The judges of our international @ribacomps competition were …

The judges of our international @ribacomps competition were ...

The judges of our international @ribacomps competition were particularly impressed with the way each winner appealed to younger people, especially with the flexibility of the homes for live/work purposes and affordability. Important factors were also the attention given to environmentally friendly construction and, in the case of the Burneside site, the inclusion of a community building.

We are delighted with the outcome of the competition. We asked for cutting edge designs for flexible, affordable housing which would appeal to the under 35s and that is exactly what we got.

Find out more about the winners via the link in our bio.

#gpld #architecture #affordablehousing #housing #yorkshiredales #lakedistrict

Image of staff from winning architect firms @outpost_london and @mcmullanstudio by @cwphotographics

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